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Salem’s Missional Strategy hinges on the Pastor’s responsibility over all aspects of Salem’s ministry. However, because Jesus has modeled a team approach to ministry, the five missional strands – prayer, preaching, evangelism, discipleship, and relationships – are under the auspices of the entire ministerial staff. The associate ministers work collaboratively with pastor, ministry leaders, and deacon and trustee advisors to provide proper oversight and equipping for the full functionality of all ministries. The overall goal is to guide each ministry into maintaining focus on the mission.

To expand God’s Kingdom through prayer, preaching, evangelism, discipleship, and relationships. 



The Ministry of Prayer

Maintaining a vibrant prayer atmosphere throughout the church is a fundamental core value. This includes personal prayer, intercession, supplication, and corporate prayer. Prayer is the core ingredient in the overall congregational care that includes intercessory prayer, visitations, counseling, etc.

The Ministry of The Preached Word

Maintaining a biblically sound and prophetically passionate proclamation at all worship and special services is foundational to Salem’s growth and development. Although Pastor does most of the preaching, associate ministers are rotated to preach on specific Sundays, for special services, and in pastor’s absence. Additionally, guest ministers are invited to preach at special services and at other times at pastor’s discretion.



The Ministry of Evangelism

Maintaining a robust evangelistic approach to ministry that includes missions, outreach, benevolence, etc. is central to the continued growth and vibrancy of the church as an organism and an organization.

The Ministry of Discipleship

Maintaining a dynamic discipleship process that includes all Christian education ministries, Bible Study, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Small Group Studies, New Members, etc. is critical for the spiritual growth and maturity of the Salem family.

The Ministry of Relationship Building

Maintaining a culturally sensitive approach to ministry focused on internal and external relationships, including family, marriage, young adults, youth, hosting (ushers, culinary, etc.), and community partnerships is critical to reaching beyond Salem into the Shaw community.

Building Enhancements



Those from among you shall build the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in (Isaiah 58:12, NKJV).


VISION 2020 rests on Isaiah 58:12 and the visionary belief that God will use Salem for His glory to:

  1. Rebuild existing edifices into modern usable spaces

  2. Regenerate unused and underused space into multiuse functionality

  3. Repair lives within and beyond the Shaw community

  4. Restore relationships within and beyond the Shaw community


Salem will actualize VISION 2020 by carrying out its missional strategy based on its Mission: To expand God’s Kingdom one family at a time, through prayer, preaching, evangelism, discipleship, and relationships.

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